Friday, June 23, 2006

Flamingos, potholes y la ruta puuc

Traditional Mayan woman

When's the last time you saw a dead bat?

Ruins are cool

And we thought the Romans were creative...


The current inhabitant of Labná

Glad vertigo didn´t kick in

Palaco Norté

Scott praying to the God of "longevity"


One of the guys farms honey in the jungle which is delicious!

Hey, watch your hand mister

Most villagers live in thatched huts

Almost like the roads at home, except smaller


Never did rain that day

Yes, another sunset-from our balcony

Boats in Célestun

Muchos Flamencos

¡Buenos tardes hombres!

A highlight of our trip was the Ruta Puuc, the road which connects some of the most beautiful Mayan sites in Mexico. We explored the ruins of Labná, Sayil, and Kabah, and since these are a bit off of the beaten track, we could climb anywhere we wanted. I think we saw a total of 5 people, including Mayans...

After the Ruta Puuc, we traversed the Yucatan peninsula and now find ourselves on the west coast in a village called Célestun. Our trip here was quite an adventure, seeing as we took the proverbial shortcut and found out that our map was not exactly always exact to say the least. Please note, that even if a map states that a road is of adequate quality, it could mean that it is actually a one and a half lane jungle path with more potholes than cement... and did we mention the mosquitos?

Aside from the excitement of not having to change a flat tire, there were also those moments when we suddenly ended up in a village and the road we were on just sort of stopped. It´s always interesting to try to communicate with someone who only sees a white person once every leap year. Other than money-pronounced "mohnee" (see the picture with the kids) and "thank you", we were basically limited to our combined 20 word and 5 phrase vocabulary. Nevertheless, clicks, hand-gestures, and a guy with only one good foot (on a rickshaw) pointed us in the right direction.

Tomorrow we set off for Mérida, the cultural center of the Yucatan. Our goal is to get up at 6 AM and take off...Any bets?


Anonymous said...

Hi, Scott & Natasha. Just to let you know we did sign on to the site. Looks like an adventure. Love the pix.

Stay safe

Dad/Mom & Carrie.

Anonymous said...

WOW did you eat the BAT

Anonymous said...

You're back home now, and safe . . . how did Salsa Dancing go?

Is that a beard Scott grew?