Sunday, June 18, 2006

Riviera Maya, Policia, etc...

Who's ready for the parade, anyone??

The famous Cenote Azul

This is so stressful!

Our entertainment was watching this guy trying to start his boat...for an hour.

No caption needed...

This guy found the perfect way to cool off!

¡Hola Amigos!

Our first day in Puerto Morelos was nice and muchos relaxing. We ate as soon as we got to the beach (big surprise), and boy oh boy, was it every bit as tasty as we remembered it. We finished off the evening by watching an amateur futball match in the village square. I guess World Cup fever is in full kick, haha, here in Mexico.

During every adventure, there is a moment when you think to yourself, "Oh Shit!!" - Scott and I had that special feeling on the way down to Tulum. We had just passed through a yellow light, when a friendly officer pulled us over and informed us that we could've caused a M A J O R accident with our haphazard driving (in spanish, of course). I bet all of you can guess what happened next...Yep. With our wallet a little bit lighter, we made it to the beautiful Tulum corridor.

We are staying at Casa de Jonny tonight- it's actually a villa, but because the pool is being worked on, and the cinco perros (5 doggies) that ferociously guard the place, Jonny gave us a significant discount.


Anonymous said...

Looks rough I will shed a tear for you
ML :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so totally jealous. That water looks amazing. Stay safe and have FUN!!
(the original ML)

Anonymous said...

Damn, NOW you're glad you brought the nice camera. Why can I totally imagine you guys making fun of that poor couple trying to start up the boat? I can hear that evil Natasha laugh after a round of margaritas...

No more car stories, you two. El coche de Scott y Natasha already provides enough drama without police involvement.

Have fun. Love you both!